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Hi guys!!!
what's up?
how's life?
brilliant, isn't it?!
I hope this day is better the before :)
by the way, I wanna share with all of you. Yesterday, I got my score of TOEIC and TOEFL. it was really scared. I think my score is getting worse. but what happen?
I got the best TOEIC score in my school and got the third best of TOEFL score in my school. that was really amazing, AWESOME!!! :D
I can't imagine that I got that score, but everything is really close to me. hahaha.
I got 456 for TOEFL and 595 for TOEIC. that were pretty good for me.
well, that's enough for today, next time we'll meet again :)


Accents that are peculiar to England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales are each different and with practice you can begin to talk with one that sounds genuine. Along with the accents are mannerisms that you will need to assume to affect the part. The following directions describe Queen's English or "Received Pronunciation", rarely ever used in the modern-day United Kingdom, but the foreigners' stereotypical view of how the British talk.

Here we can share and discuss all things about TOEFL (Both Paper Based Test-PBT and the Internet Based Test-iBT) and IELTS and also where to take the test/preparation course in all Indonesia. If you have tips or experience, please feel free to share with others at anytime
Hi there,
meet me again here :)

At this moment, I wanna discuss about smoking at public places. we know that in this day and age, smoking becomes common things for the people . They always smoke without concern about the surroundings ( is smoking akinda universal human right,huh?)
There are many ways to improve your english skill in writting. But now, I wanna give you 5 top ways for mastering writting in english.
here we go!
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